Change Management is the systemic approach to transitioning people through change so they are ready, willing and enabled to change from a current state to a new desired state.
The Change Space is an online change management resource and learning hub. It delivers a comprehensive and practical Change Management Toolkit for experienced change practitioners and those wanting to develop their change management capabilities.
The toolkit outlines key change artifacts and documents required for each phase of the change journey, providing downloadable templates, change guidance and the promotion of change leader health and wellbeing.
The Change Management Toolkit is aligned with industry professional standards and helps drive discipline and consistency across organisations, ensuring sound change management practices. The framework and toolkit follow the six critical phases of the change journey:
1. Agree on the case for change
Clearly articulate what change is required, the case for change and critical success factors of change management and how it will impact business results. Gain agreement amongst key decision-makers on the change's strategic intent, parameters and outcomes.
2. Build the change approach
The change vision is defined, the business assessed, and the change impacts understood. Change governance is established, and planning to deliver the change strategy is completed.
3. Mobilise leaders
Gain and maintain commitment from leaders in your business unit. Understand how to sponsor the change vision and business case for the change. Leaders have the knowledge, support, and resources to drive the change.
4. Prepare your people
Create understanding and commitment to the change. Engage your employees in the change journey and receive the information and skills they need to work in a new way.
5. Enable the organisation
Transition people through the change and implement new ways of working. Monitor the change effort – reviewing and refining as needed.
6. Sustain the change
Embed the change into the business to enable sustainability. The success of the change effort is measured and communicated. Key learnings are captured for future change activities.
Whether you work in the change and transformation industries or are interested in the field, The Change Space is perfect for you. Join us, build your knowledge and develop your skills to drive successful change initiatives.
Find out more at https://www.thechangespace.net.