Learn face-to-face with our industry-leading change professionals
If you're in Melbourne, Sydney, or Brisbane and want to learn more about change management, we offer a variety of in-person workshops throughout the year. These are led by our expert team of change practitioners, transformation specialists, and other business professionals, depending on the course type.
To ensure an optimal learning experience, our in-person workshops have limited capacity, allowing you to better engage, ask questions, and tailor the learning environment to your unique needs.
If you are unable to attend our physical training, many of our training options are available as a virtual online session here.

Upcoming in-person courses and workshops
Change Professional 3-Day Course, Melbourne
Want to take your career and organisation to new heights? Join us for Change Professional - Navigating the World…
Course type or location not listed? Register your interest here or view our upcoming online training.
All training is supplemented with 3 months free access to The Change Space
The Change Space is our online hub specifically designed to support change practitioners and those involved with managing change. It contains a vast wealth of templates, tools and resources you can use to help your own projects.
If you are involved with managing change in any way, this is an incredible resource which will provide valuable assistance and mentoring.

For more information or to find out what training is best suited to your current needs, please speak with our team.

Industry & role specific training
Specialised training to suit the specific change management needs of different job roles and industry types.

Group discounts and personalised training
Discounted rates and fully customisable training covering your choice of topics for groups of individuals.

ChangeFit® organisation training
Flexible change management training and workplace wellness programs for your organisation's people.