We delivered a complete reassessment for a new government agency's program with a blueprint to achieve anticipated benefits.
Sector: Government
We delivered a complete reassessment of a new government agency's program with a blueprint to achieve anticipated benefits.
The department was responsible for establishing and operationalising a new government agency. The new agency set-up was not on track to deliver the anticipated benefits. Allegra was asked to review the program and help get it back on track.
Allegra completed a diagnostic using our ChangeFit® Business framework to determine current-state maturity, focusing on core business elements. The results highlighted shortcomings in the program's structure and approach, requiring a re-set of governance and improvements in leadership capability and culture. The review highlighted that an unclear end-state definition of the target operating model was a leading contributor.
Allegra architected and delivered a complete reassessment of the program and a blueprint for the Program Management Office to guide and support the agency's successful establishment.
Having clarity of the future-state is essential in ensuring the structure and capabilities of Program Offices are correctly aligned to deliver program benefits and achieve stakeholder alignment.

Future state strategy, design and implementation
Allegra has extensive experience developing and delivering Future State Strategy, Design and Delivery and has a proprietary digital learning and change management tools to support participants through the change and the outcomes.

Transformation office setup and enablement
We work with project teams to establish a Transformation Office, including developing robust processes and capability in place so teams can maximise delivery and execution.