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Change Trends for 2024

Let's embrace the change trends of 2024, including change capability, the changing role of leaders and the fut…

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Farewell 2023!

Hear from the Allegra team as we finish off 2023.

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Video (3:30)

Powering Change through Stakeholder Engagement

Discuss the power of stakeholder engagement for success.

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All articles & videos (page 8 of 9)

Article (2min read)

5 ways to increase your Self-Awareness

To be self-aware is to have a clear understanding of who you are, including your strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, belief…

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Article (3min read)

Being Aware of Our Communication/Interaction Style and the Impact it has on others

Experiences shape our ability to communicate, and being able to communicate effectively with others is fundamental to su…

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Article (1min read)

Methodologies – Friends or Foe

In this new way of working we are being forced to think outside our comfort zone. We have had a few years where methodol…

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Article (4min read)

"Agile" Change vs "Waterfall" Change

I was thinking over recent times about “Agile” Change vs “Waterfall” change or just change management as it has generall…

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Article (4min read)

'Being' on a holiday every day

How often as humans do we ever feel content, happy, and fulfilled with what we currently have in our lives? Or are we mo…

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Article (2min read)

Blowing away the myths of change management.....fluff bah humbug

Do you remember when change management was considered to be the ‘fluffy stuff’ that was difficult to define and complete…

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Article (2min read)

Four essentials to becoming a customer centric organisation

Customer centric is the new black but what does it actually mean? While it’s true that most companies would consider the…

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Article (1min read)

Naptime at Ikea? How good is your cultural sensitivity?

Reading an article in the New York Times over the weekend I started thinking about how important it is when implementing…

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Article (2min read)

Why involving your people is critical to delivering successful change & transformation

Read any thought piece or report on the top reasons why large transformational change initiatives fail within organisati…

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Article (1min read)

Learning and change: the best of bedfellows

Whether it’s a merger, change of CEO, rebrand or all of the above, organisational change inevitably involves a huge lear…

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Article (2min read)

Learning organisations - how they do it

Although the concept of a learning organisation was most profoundly brought to life by Peter Senge and his colleagues in…

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Article (1min read)

Change management: global perspectives

Our series on change management around the world continues with a look at issues, challenges and attitudes towards busin…

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Article (1min read)

How can business leaders impact successful change management?

With between 50 and 70 per cent of change management projects still failing to achieve success, what should contemporary…

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Article (1min read)

Communication: getting it right from the get-go

A recent investigation into the effectiveness of change management projects has uncovered the top three communication st…

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Article (2min read)

Workplace wellbeing strengthens organisational culture

The day-to-day pressure of working in a fast-paced, corporate environment can take its toll on the physical and mental w…

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